5 Cool things to do in Barbados

Marketing Manager
22nd November 2021
Last modified 31st July 2024
Last modified 31st July 2024
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To complement our new travel insurance products, the travel team at loveit coverit are sharing some of their expertise for cool things to do on holiday. Here’s our top 5 cool things to do in Barbados:
Crop Over is a festival in Barbados taking place over 3 months with a carnival parade taking place at the end of the Caribbean carnival season in August each year, known as the Grand Kadooment Day (taking place on the 2nd of August 2021, 1st August 2022, and 7th August 2023). The festival was revived as a national festival in 1974, and includes singing, dancing, arts, food and culture as a way of celebrating the island’s history and paying homage to the days of the origins of the Crop Over Festival’s roots.
You may well have heard of SUP Yoga before, if not then there’s no better time to check it out than in the crystal-clear waters of Barbados. Unwind, relax, and meditate in the open water whilst using core strength and control to maintain your posture (and save you from getting wet!). The ultimate in stress relief, the combination of yoga and the open water clears you mind and gives you the opportunity to really soak in your surroundings. The go-to yogi for SUP yoga in Barbados is Stef, the owner of Santosha Yoga Barbados.
We take to the water once again for a spectacular sunset cruise in the Caribbean Sea, chartering one of the stunning catamarans for a trip of a lifetime. While on board you’ll get the opportunity to swim with the turtles, tropical fish, and explore the wrecks off the coast of Barbados. There’s plenty of time to soak up some sunshine and indulge in the unlimited drinks and buffet dinner too, whilst the crew take care of your every need. Top of the rankings for cruises in Barbados comes Cool Runnings Cruises run by Robert and Annika.
It’s a rare occasion you get the chance to ride in a submarine, and even rarer you’re able to see such beautiful surroundings out of the portholes. With Atlantis Submarines you can choose to dive during the day or night, and view coral formations, shipwrecks, and exotic fish up to 150 feet deep. An unmissable adventure for everyone that wants a unique experience in Barbados.
The ultimate in Barbados fine dining, the Cliff Restaurant is synonymous for impeccable service and exquisite food. With views over the water if you time your booking just right you can have dinner and cocktails with a sunset vista.
There’s more reasons than usual to take an early morning stroll at sunrise to Pebbles Beach in Barbados, because this beach has something the others don’t… horses. With Pebbles Beach being less than a mile away from the Garrison Savannah racetrack the grooms regularly bring the racehorses down for a dip in the ocean.
Whatever you do before you go exploring the world, make sure you have the right travel insurance from a reputable provider, like us!