Smartphones in School

Marketing Manager
14th September 2018
Last modified 31st July 2024
Last modified 31st July 2024
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In recent years the debate as to whether children should be allowed to take their mobile phones to school has intensified, especially in the wake of France enforcing an outright ban. In the United Kingdom, we do not have any government legislation which dictates whether schools should or should not allow mobile phones, however, the Education Act 2011 does give increased powers for staff to search pupils if they believe a mobile phone has been used in an offence. Instead, every school decides its own mobile phone policy, choosing the level of allowance for mobile phones and the punishment attributed to any infringement on the rules.
Despite this, many commenters from either side of the debate, whether they be teachers, parents, or government figures, have suggested reasons why mobile phone policies should be allowed or banned from schools. As part of our research into how smartphones are affecting our younger generation, we’re taking a look at the arguments to better understand whether children really should be allowed to take a phone to school or not: