Top Tips for Protecting Your Phone This Summer

Marketing Manager
10th June 2021
Last modified 23rd October 2024
Last modified 23rd October 2024
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Although it may feel like it’s already arrived, summer doesn’t officially start until the 21st of June. And whilst for many of us this means months of sunshine, plans and perhaps a well-deserved break, it’s important to remember that your beloved phone and gadgets might need some extra attention to stay healthy in the sun. If not, you could find yourself facing a bleak, potentially phoneless autumn!
So, how can you ensure that your phone remains damage-free this summer? Well, that’s exactly what we’ll be exploring in this article!
It’s unlikely that you haven’t been on the receiving end of your phone’s temperature warning in the past, but we’re here to ensure that’s not the case this summer. All you need to do is follow loveit coverit’s simple tips:
Keeping our phone’s in our pocket has become second nature for most of us – but that doesn’t mean it’s the right thing to do. If your phone becomes too warm, your body heat will enhance the temperature rather than help to cool it. Whilst this mightn’t seem like the worst thing in the world, an overheated battery can become a real problem – with leakage and a potential fire risk.
So, it’s a good idea to have a shaded place for your phone to remain whilst out and about.
We all know that a car in the sun can feel pretty much like a sauna – and you wouldn’t leave your phone there. Keeping your phone cool will be the main priority in summer, which means leaving it in an environment where it’s likely to overheat is probably not the best of ideas!
You might think it sounds silly, but some phone owners have found their own home solutions for an overheated phone – such as placing it in a freezer. We likely don’t need to tell you, but this is a bad idea.
Going from one extreme temperature to another could seriously harm your phone. What’s more, in the freezer scenario, you could find yourself facing water damage from the condensation which is another problem altogether. Instead, you should find a shaded place to keep your phone while it cools. Better yet, turn it off while it rests there.
It’s hard to imagine going without our phones for an extended period of time, but short, frequent breaks can also do the trick. In combination with the rising external temperatures, constant use of our phones – whether it’s for calls, social media or games – can lead to overheating. And, as we’ve already explained, this isn’t a reality you’ll want to face.
For this reason, it’s good to give yourself and your phone a break from time to time. Why not place the phone inside while you soak up the sun or if you can’t bear to be separated, place the device on aeroplane mode. This way your phone will slow itself down by minimising any activity.
When we charge our phones, we’ll usually notice that they become slightly warmer. This is completely normal but, whilst experiencing a warmer external environment in summer, it’s good to keep an active eye on.
It only makes sense that we minimise any other factors that can cause a further rise in temperature. For example, you shouldn’t be charging your phone in direct sunlight as it will cause the device to grow warmer, faster.
For the same reason, you should avoid charging your phone on your bed – more specifically, under your pillow – overnight. Whilst we might like to remain warm and toasty whilst sleeping, it’s not a good environment for a charging phone and you should instead place it on a cool surface.