Cheap Ways to Protect Against Cracked Phone Screens

Marketing Manager
15th March 2019
Last modified 25th October 2024
Last modified 25th October 2024
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A study by musicMagpie last year revealed that half of Brits have smashed their phone. So don’t worry, it happens to the best of us, but there are ways to lessen the chances of it happening. If you smash or crack your phone screen, it could cost you anywhere between £100-£250 to get it repaired unkess you have mobile phone insurance, and if you’ve been burned before, you’ll know how gut-wrenching and financially devastating that can be. In this post, we’re giving you 3 protective measures everyone should be taking, so that you never have to experience that heart-stopping moment when you drop your phone.
They can be easily removed if they become damaged, leaving your phone screen unharmed, and then replaced. This screen protector was tested and declared the most durable, thin and reliable and it only costs £6.49! Not only will you benefit from one if you drop your phone, you’ll also reduce the chance of scratches and other cosmetic damage.
The clear design means that it won’t alter the look of your phone too much either. If you have a particularly physical job and your phone is more at risk of damage, you could opt for this military-tested phone case, which isn’t as easy on the eye, but provides extreme protection and shock absorption. Both of these cases are available for a range of makes and models.