5 Mobile Phone Safety Tips Every Parent Needs to Consider

Marketing Manager
10th August 2015
Last modified 31st July 2024
Last modified 31st July 2024
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Every generation of parents faces a new challenge that those before them had the pleasure not to contend with. For the modern day parent, this challenge is technology. No, not keeping up to date with the latest gadgets (although this can be a task unto itself), but keeping up with how your children are using them. It is estimated that as many as 68% of children under 14 now own a smartphone, yet for many parents, it’s a choice that’s preceded by hours of deliberating and indecision. The very reason many allow their child their first mobile, is for safety, and yet it can be the cause of endless worrying, especially with plenty of time on their hands now the summer holidays are underway. However, it is possible to feel confident of your child’s wellbeing- we’ve put together five things to consider when allowing your child their own mobile.
It also goes without saying that it’s really important to look into whether the phone has access to chatrooms.
Similarly, it makes sense to check whether Bluetooth is enabled- if it is, any personal information on their phone may not remain personal! The key is to be proactive and not make assumptions- better to be safe than sorry.
As well as never answering calls from withheld numbers, or those they don’t recognise, it’s also essential they don’t give out their number to people they don’t know. The same goes for text messages.
Depending on the age of your child therefore, it’s worth making sure you have access to, and regularly check, their phone. On top of this, simply ensuring they feel they can talk to you about anything is a great step towards tackling the issue.
Picture messages and voicemails often fall outside of your monthly allowance for example. Streaming videos and downloading games can also see your bills spiral out of control!
Now imagine your child in possession of a phone, and consider all the things that could go wrong. Speak to your child about keeping their phone zipped away when they aren’t using it, get a sturdy case and make sure you take out mobile phone insurance!