5 Ways You Can Safeguard Yourself Against Phone Theft

Marketing Manager
5th March 2020
Last modified 23rd October 2024
Last modified 23rd October 2024
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Our smartphones are often one of our most valuable possessions – providing us with entertainment, organisational tools as well as a way to connect with the wider world. So, understandably, the thought of losing them to theft can be stressful, to say the least.
And despite our best efforts, there is still a substantial level of smartphone crime within the UK. For instance, from April 2017 to April 2018, smartphone related thefts made up a considerable 39% of thefts from a person reports. So, evidently, there is still work to be done!
But you needn’t despair. Fortunately, there are some simple precautions that every individual can take to reduce the chances of falling victim to smartphone theft, or, if not, measures to lessen the blow.
To ensure that you have all the information you need we’ve formulated the top 5 ways that you can safeguard your phone against smartphone theft:
This is a simple but often overlooked precaution. Apps such as Find My iPhone by Apple or Find My Device by Google will allow you to track the exact location of your device should it not be in its usual place. Often, you’ll find your phone at the bottom of your bag or tucked away somewhere in the house – but having a tracking app can ensure you have peace of mind!
We’re all guilty of opting for the ‘remind me later’ option when it comes to backing up our phone but this is a habit worth breaking. Because, if your phone is stolen the last thing you want to worry about is whether you’re going to lose hundreds of photos and videos that make up your memories.
So, don’t let that be the case!