World Friendship Day: How to Spend Time Together, Apart

Marketing Manager
30th July 2020
Last modified 31st July 2024
Last modified 31st July 2024
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As we enter our fifth month of socially-distanced living, it can be difficult to remember what it was like to spend time with our loved ones without any worry or concern. We’ve witnessed an abundance of special occasions fall victim to cancellation – from holidays to birthdays to weddings – yet when you ask pretty much anyone what they miss most, it’s the mundane interactions with their loved ones. The regular Sunday dinners. The quick lunch-break dates. Or even bumping into a friend at the supermarket.
In short, many of us are missing someone and have little idea of when we’ll be able to safely spend time with them again. So, this World Friendship Day, we’ve decided to put together a cohesive list of all the ways you can keep in touch with your loved ones whilst remaining apart!
If you and your friends have often fallen victim to putting on a film and then ignoring it for a chat, then this could be the perfect opportunity to master the activity!
Leading streaming platform Netflix allows users to watch the same show from distant locations alongside a live chat feature. So, you won’t miss out on those much-loved conversations. If you don’t have Netflix, don’t worry, you can improvise. All you need to do is decide what you’ll watch and when you’ll watch it – easy!
Social media tends to fall in the same realm as marmite. Some people love it, whilst others… not so much. However, utilising your social media channels can be a great way to stay involved in your loved ones’ lives whilst remaining distanced.
Whether it’s Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, you’ll be able to keep up to date on the daily occurrences that you may be missing. If you’re feeling adventurous then why not take a look at TikTok, the popular app that has the country learning all kinds of things – including some interesting yet intricate dances!
We know, you’ve probably grown tired of the virtual games, quizzes, and parties but stay with us. Whilst, you may not want a video call with all the bells and whistles on, you might still enjoy a simple conversation over Zoom, Skype, or any other platform.
This means no preparation for the call, no need for fancy dress and it can even be for a quick five-minute catchup. You probably understand where we’re going with this by now, but if you don’t, we’re suggesting that you normalise using video chats in everyday situations!
Why not choose a weekly, or fortnightly, title that you can discuss with your friends – whether that’s on a call, a WhatsApp group or maybe even via the postman. Things can feel understandably heavy and stressful at the moment so having a place to occupy your mind could be a big help to both you and your loved ones. If you’re not into reading, then look towards other formats – films, podcasts, music – the list goes on and on!
Of course, if you’re feeling the strain of stress or anxiety frequently, you may need more than just a welcoming book club to find some normality. In these circumstances don’t be scared to reach out to professional resources and access the support and care you deserve.